A Rose Among Thorns

Low Self-Esteem

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Low Self-Esteem

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Online Bible

Meditations for Women

Maybe you have been battered and abused. Maybe as a young child growing up, you were the one everyone picked on because you were different. Maybe you were made to feel you could never measure up to someone else’s expectations. Maybe throughout your lifetime you have been denied promotions at work, or you didn’t get the job that you were hoping to get. It doesn’t take much for us to lose our self-worth. Do you look at yourself in the mirror and you just don’t like what you see staring back at you? In the eyes of God we are all created equal. But I don’t always see it like that. I see some beautiful blond woman in a size two dress, with perfect nails, and hair, and a smile that can charm any man, and I can’t help put be resentful. I am not the most secure woman in the world. I have my faults and low self-esteem is one of them. I know that I am not normal, that I will not ever be normal. But I have come to accept myself as I am. I no longer try to please everyone else, for I know that I can never please any of them. I don’t worry about what people think of me. They either like me as I am, or they don’t like me at all. If they chose not to like me, than I haven’t lost anything. It is no great sacrifice. I may be friendless, but I am never alone. I have the best friend of all. GOD.


Read Proverbs Chapter 4 in its entirity

Read Matthew Chapters 10 through 12



He saved me from death, my eyes from tears, my feet from stumbling. And so I walk in the Lord’s presence as I live here on earth.

Psalms 116: 8,9

Today do not worry about your hair, your make up, the size of your waist. Don’t worry about the color of your eyes, or your lips, or even your ears. Today look at yourself and say, "I am a beautiful person. I am a gift from God and I am blessed." Say this a hundred times until you really begin to believe it. Hold your shoulders straight, walk with pride in your steps. Smile with confidence. Look someone square in the eyes with boldness when you speak to them. Do not let them see your weakness, your fear, your inadquacies. Show them that you are in control, that you have what it takes to do anything in the world that you want and no one can stop you. You just might pick up a few friends along the way.


Lord please forgive me for doubting myself. I know that you are my maker, my creater. I know I must be beautiful in your eyes and that is good enough for me. I don’t care what the world thinks of me, so long as I have you to walk beside me day after day. Thank you for your presence in my life. I thank you for your blessings. Thank you for making me the person that I am.



Read Acts Chapter 4 in its entirity.

Walk 30 minutes, again ask your friend. After your walk, ask if you can pray with her.

Today, if you consume alcoholic beverages, cut them from your diet. Alcohol is another depressant and can leave you feeling more depressed than before you drank it.


Read Psalms Chapters 16 - 20

In your meditation journal focus on the one most important thing you dislike about yourself. Then list the one most important thing you do like about yourself. Describe the reason you do not like this part of you. List five ways you can overcome this dislike. Then I want you to concentrate on the one thing you do like. What is that makes that part of you so special. List five ways you can use this part of you in your every day life to help yourself feel better. Tomorrow when you wake up I want you to first, not think of the part of you you do not like, but instead, think of the part of you you do like. Don’t dwell on the negative, dwell on the positive. Then, I want you to take the part of you that you do not like and put those five things to work, in what ever order you should choose, to overcome your negative feelings about yourself. At the end of this lesson, there is a link to Meditations for women. Click on the link to self-esteem and, by filling out a request form, you will be put on her subscription list for daily meditations that give you encouragement and helps you grow in your self-confidence.

In your prayer journal, focus on the character trait that most concerns you. Ask God to help you overcome your negative feelings. Ask Him to help you love yourself just as your are. Ask Him for courage and discipline the ability to walk without stumbling.

Now rest in peace.

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